Happy Birthday Marines Funny Crayon Meme

Brace yourselves. The Marine Corps birthday memes are coming.

In case you're not friends with any Marines, or you somehow haven't heard, the Marine Corps birthday is coming on harder than a Marine Expeditionary Unit hitting a beach with a max payload of liberty and justice for all.

While the other military branches tend to regard their services' birthdays with either general indifference or mild enthusiasm, the Marine Corps is basically a religious cult that worships weapons, violence, and alcohol (it was literally born in a bar). So every fall, Devil Dogs carve out about a six-week period to offer up the sacrifice of their livers to their Lord and Savior Chesty Puller while celebrating the service's birth and origin story by *checks notes* cutting cake with swords and getting absolutely shit-hammered.

Over the years, we've learned it's best to take the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" route when the blitzkrieg of Marine Corps birthday memes inevitably takes over our social feeds this time of year and just quietly surrender to the overwhelming force of jarhead fanaticism.

So happy birthday, Marines. We got you these memes about how absolutely nuts you are about your birthday. Semper Fi.

marines birthday
It do be like that sometimes.

Hello, darkness, my old friend …

Tun Tavern meme
A quick history lesson.

Historically accurate rendition of how the Marines were born in a Philadelphia bar in the early days of the Revolutionary War. Beautiful.

Marine Corps birthday meme
According to legend, Samuel Nicholas was the first officer ever commissioned in the Continental Marines. He's considered the first commandant of the Marine Corps by tradition.

This meme may not be 100% accurate, but Marines never let historical accuracy get in the way of a good legend. (Don't cancel me, Marine Corps.)

Marine Corps Birthday
Surprise, motherfuckers!

Note the Marine in the back signaling for the rear element to bring up the stolen donkey and beer bongs. The Navy will never see them coming.

trumpet meme
Usually starts in the latter half of October.

Reach out to your sailor friends; they get the worst of this.

Marine Corps Birthday

Accurate, except for the champagne. It would definitely be whiskey … or the blood of something they killed. Maybe both.

Marine Corps birthday memes
It's like drinking from a fountain of motivation.

"Semper goddamn YUT."

Undoubtedly accurate.

Hang in there, little buddy.

Shots fired.

Certain Coffee or Die Magazine staffers keep saying the "Marines eat crayons" meme is tired. And some of us keep ignoring them.

Marine Corps birthday memes
"Wanna play swords?" — Marines in the bathroom at the birthday ball, probably.

Money says that at least one of the two privates watching this goes on to try to cut cake at a strip club with a battle ax and critically wounds a stripper.

Marine Corps Birthday
Fun fact: This meme is based on an old-timey photo of a Marine in dress blues catching the thirsty eyes of a woman walking with a sailor in uniform.

Per regulation, Marines are only allowed to celebrate the Fourth of July, killing the enemy, and the Corps' birthday. That's it.

Marine Corps Birthday
An apt reflection of the average Marine's psyche.

Homelander from The Boys is a hardcore narcissist who arrogantly flaunts his power and perceived invincibility. Why does this sound familiar to us …?

Marine Corps Birthday
Hell yeah, brother!

It's funny, but it's also a lie. No Marine has ever uttered the words, "One drink, and we go home."

Marine Corps Birthday
Amen to that.

For their birthday, Marines serve themselves a massive cocktail of camaraderie and chaos — an annual re-drinking of the proverbial Kool-Aid. And while we will always give these beautiful, brainwashed bastards shit for it, we can't help but respect the ritual.

Semper Fi, leathernecks. And happy birthday.

Read Next: No, a Battalion of Marines Didn't Get 'Dominated' by British in Training

eric miller

Eric Miller

Eric Miller is a former Army Combat Medic from Parkersburg, West Virginia. He holds a bachelor's degree in history and has worked with homeless populations and veteran services throughout the state. He is an avid outdoorsman and has recently become interested in woodworking.

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Ethan E. Rocke

Ethan E. Rocke

Contributing writer

Ethan E. Rocke is a contributor and former senior editor for Coffee or Die Magazine. Born in Los Angeles and raised in California's Sierra Nevada foothills, Ethan is a New York Times bestselling author and award-winning photographer and filmmaker. He served as an infantryman with the 101st Airborne Division, deploying once to Kosovo for peacekeeping operations. After leaving the Army, he joined the US Marine Corps as a "storyteller of Marines," serving in Okinawa and the Asia-Pacific region with III Marine Expeditionary Force and at the Marine Corps Motion Picture and Television Liaison Office in Los Angeles, where he served as a consultant on dozens of television shows and documentaries and several feature films. His work has been published in Maxim Magazine, American Legion Magazine and many others. He is co-author of "The Last Punisher: A SEAL Team THREE Sniper's True Account of the Battle of Ramadi."

Follow Ethan E. Rocke: Facebook Twitter Instagram


Source: https://coffeeordie.com/marine-corps-birthday-memes/

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